The Design starts with You Friend!
Here's the story I hear over and over.
I want you to make me a tack set but I don't know where to start.
I have a "Sorrel" horse and I don't know what colors to use.
My questions are as follows..
What colors make you smile?
Something like this ?
Or are you more "Monochromatic"?
What types of themes or Patterns? do you like?
Are you an "animal print girl?" Does leopard print make your heart go pitter patter?
Do you love the pop of a good floral print?
Are you a LV GIRL or a Betsey Johnson?
I'd be willing to bet if you answered these couple of questions for me..
I can sit down at my computer and sketch out something that you'll love!
So what have you got to lose?
Hit me up at
please title your email "Design Me"
All of these people did!!